
The Power of Habit


Book Name: The Power of Habit

Writer: Charles Duhigg



In The Power of Habit, grant winning business journalist Charles Duhigg takes us to the exciting edge of logical revelations that clarify why propensities exist and how they can be changed. Refining immense measures of data into fascinating stories that take us from the meeting rooms of Procter and Gamble to the sidelines of the NFL to the cutting edges of the social equality development, Duhigg presents a totally different comprehension of human instinct and its latent capacity. At its center, The Power of Habit contains an elating contention: The way to practicing consistently, getting thinner, being progressively profitable, and making progress is seeing how propensities work. As Duhigg appears, by saddling this new science, we can change our organizations, our networks, and our lives.


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