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The Right Side of History by Ben Shapiro

Book Name: The Right Side of History

Writer: Ben Shapiro

In 2016, New York Times top of the line creator Ben Shapiro talked at the University of California–Berkeley.

Many cops were needed to ensure his discourse. What was so startling

about Shapiro? He came to contend that Western progress is amidst an

the emergency of direction and thoughts; that we have let complaints supplant

our feeling of network and political convenience limit our individual rights;

that we are showing our children that their feelings matter more than

reasonable discussion; and that the main importance in life is discretionary

and abstract.

As a general public, we are overlooking that nearly everything incredible

that has ever occurred in history happened as a result of individuals who

had confidence in both Judeo-Christian qualities and in the Greek-

the conceived intensity of reason.

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