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Jim Thorpe Biography By WILLIAM A. COOK

Book Name: Jim Thorpe Biography


The Fox was furious warriors and battled against the Sioux, Illinois, and the

French. During the early and mid-eighteenth century, the French kept up a

mission of badgering against the Fox that by 1730 had reduced the clan to a

simple small bunch. The Sac and remaining Fox Indians were separate

tribes firmly identified with the Algonquins phonetically. However, the two

clans were allies and they met in Wisconsin and joined to become one

incredible clan of6,500. Following a war against Illinois in 1765, the

assembled clans of Sac and Fox moved into the Illinois domain. At that

point in 1804, the Sac and FoxIndians were deceived by the U.S.

Government into surrendering their immense tribal lands in northwestern

Illinois and by settlement moved west of the Mississippi River. Albeit many

wouldn’t go, by 1831most of the Sac and Fox has crossed the Mississippi into

Iowa.The Black Hawk War of 1831was named after their pioneer, Chief

BlackHawk. At 15 years old, Black Hawk had separated himself in a fight.

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