
The Gentlemen’s Book of Etiquette


Book Name: The Gentlemen’s Book of Etiquette

Writer: Cecil Hartley

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MAN was not planned to live like a bear or a loner,

aside from others of his own tendency, and, reasoning

also, reason will each concur with me, that man was conceived for

amiability and discovers his actual get a kick out of society. Society is a

word fit for some implications, and utilized here in each and

every one of them. Society, second to none; the world everywhere; the little

faction to which he is limited by early ties; the friendship

of companions or family members; even society heart to heart with one dear

identifying soul, are wonderful states for a man to be in.

Taking the word in its most broadened see, it is the world;

be that as it may, in the light we wish to intrigue in our book it is the

littler universe of the changing.


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