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Culinary Fictions By Anita Mannur

Book Name: Culinary Fictions

Writer: Anita Mannur

In her short self-portraying paper “Food and Belonging: At ‘Home’ and in

‘Outsider’ Kitchens,” Indian American and social pundit Ketu Katrak sug-gests

that culinary accounts, suffused with and wistfulness, frequently oversee im-

traveler recollections and envisioned but re-visitations of the “country.”

Narrativ-izing her own transitory and excursion from Bombay to the United

States, she comments, “my own and memory banks about food flooded simply

after I left India to go to the United States but as an alumni understudy.

Culinary Fictions

The lack

of engagement and in food that I had felt and during my youth years was changed

into another and sort of requirement for that but food as a fundamental association

with home. and I yearned for my but local food as and I managed my separation from

the pulse being Bombay and city” (270). Food becomes both a scholarly and

enthusiastic anchor for her as a migrant subject, mystically moving Katrak

to her topographically and transiently removed youth home and giving her

a feeling of rootedness in the United States. 

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