Book Name: Exploring Children’s Literature
Writer: Nikki Gamble
first and afterward we advanced to Walter de la Mare’s Peacock Pie, A Book
of Nonsense, and Louis Untermeyer’s Golden Treasury of Poetry.I built up a
collection of favorites that I would request each night and I knew numerous
sonnets forwards and backward. From theStruwelpeter I could discuss
‘Shockheaded Peter’, ‘Harriet and the Matches’, and ‘LittleJohnny Head in
Air’. The unfavorable passings of the defiant kids were not in the least of-
putting, and neither did I accept that I would meet a comparable end in the
event that I suckedmy thumb or wouldn’t eat my soup. Yet, there was one
sonnet in the assortment that unsettled me, ‘The Story of the Inky Boys’. I
would even turn the pages rapidly so that I wouldn’t need to see the
representations. Fiction was likewise on the storytime menu.
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