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The Missing Links By Caroline Mondon

Book Name: The Missing Links

Writer: Caroline Mondon

The little white Peugeot 205 removes pointedly from the banks of the Loire

to go left onto the winding street that follows the slope. On this pre-fall

morning, the Loire extends calmly between the white stone face dividers,

gone head to head with greenery, that follows its bed. at this degree of the

bank, the crease of delicate limestone is completely uncovered, as though to

all the more likely retain the air and light that renders it the strength of a

structure stone. today, as it had yesterday, and would again tomorrow, the

changing light along the banks of

The Missing Links4the Loire takes care of the differentiations in this stone

—referred to here as tuffeau—the crude material from which were

developed the most excellent structures throughout the entire existence of

France. The vehicle eases back on one of the primary turns and passes a

few centuries-old “troglodyte” homes—cavern homes normal in these bluffs

—and gets a move on again as it starts the twisting move between grape

plantations. The warm stickiness ascending from the earth has misted its

windows. It would be hard for anybody noticing the vehicle to see the

stressed look on the driver’s face. For the first run through since the auto

collision that took her dad’s life, héloïse is con-fronting this convoluted

drive through the grape plantations. 

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