Book Name: The English Novel in History 1700-1780
Writer: John Richetti
In 1770 Samuel Johnson saw that the “viciousness and sick effects” of the
“enthusiasm of affection” had been misrepresented, “for who knows any
real sufferings on that head more than from the exorbitancy of any other
passion?”1 But when a woman mocked the loving books of the day, Johnson
fought that “we should not disparagement” a “passion which has caused the
difference in realms and the deficiency of universes—a passion which has
motivated courage and curbed avarice.”2 Even for so thorough a moralist
and scholarly pundit, amorous fiction still had the ability to summon
distinguished topics and heroic achievements. Notwithstanding its excess,
such fiction could summon up an ethos of honor and obligation that
proceeded to resonate powerfully.
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