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The Penny A Novel By Joyce Meyer

Book Name: The Penny A Novel 

Writer: Joyce Meyer

There are two things I will consistently recall about summers in St. Louis.

One is strolling shoeless on asphalt so hot that I could pop the tar bubbles

with my toes. Asphalt so hot that, before the finish of July, the cover-up on

the bottoms of my feet was as thick as my tanned-calfskin coin tote from

Woolworth’s and I could cross Arsenal Street without running. Consistently,

some picture taker from the Post-Dispatch would make an effort of an egg

bright side on the sidewalk and the paper would run it on the first page.

HOT ENOUGH TO FRYAN EGG ON THE SIDEWALK! the feature would roar.

As though they were telling us something we didn’t definitely know. The

other thing I’ll generally recall in the late spring of the penny. At this point

in my life, I’m getting pennies constantly.

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