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A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived By Adam Rutherford

Book Name: A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived

Writer: Adam Rutherford

Vonnegut was half correct. There is unquestionably no start,

and if there is an end, it’s not in sight. We are consistently in the center,

and we are on the whole missing connections. Just like there was no

outright moment that your life started, there was no second of creation

when our species started, no flash of life, no breath of God into the nostrils

of an Adam formed in the red earth, no breaking of an infinite egg.

So it goes. Nothing living is fixed, and all animals are four-dimensional,

existing in space, and furthermore through time. Life is progress:

The main things that are really static are as of now dead.

Your parents had guardians, and theirs had guardians, etc,

in pairs, back through the entire history, and ancient times.

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