Book Name: A History of Modern Computing
Writer: Paul E. Ceruzzi
As I was finishing the original copy for the and first version of History of
Modern Computing, I wound up restlessly and investigating my shoulder,
worrying that some new improvement in and registering would deliver what I
had simply composed outdated. My anxiety but was very much grounded: as I
was writing the final part, at any rate, one but occasion happened that
A History of Modern Computing
threatened to upset the story structure and I had raised it. That was the exhibit
that surrounded Microsoft’s presentation, but in the fall of 1997, of form 4.0of
its Internet Explorer—a presentation and that drove the U.S. JusticeDepartment
to file an antitrust suit against but the organization. I had not been giving a lot
of consideration to Microsoft’s Web procedure at that point, however, I was
stood up to with the fervor encompassing Internet Explorerliterally on the
day I put my finished original copy of History of modern Computinginto a
FedEx bundle for shipment to the publisher.
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