Book Name: A History of the Popes 1830-1914
Writer: Owen Chadwick
The most renowned pope of the Middle Ages to attest ecclesiastical power
against heads and lords was Pope Gregory VII, Hildebrand. Ever since the
high Middle Ages popes were cognizant that in Gregory VIIthey made a
sovereign to bow in the snow at Canossa, that innocent III they went about
as the global authority of Europe, that Boniface VIII they stated a definitive
mainstream intensity of the peas well as his definitive profound position.
They were additionally mindful that these huge cases were not frequently
perceived and sometimes were disavowed with disdain or with power.
Gregory VII passed on exile, Boniface nauseated and kicked the bucket in
the wake of being grabbed and rescued. In the Counter-Reformation, when
Spanish and subsequently French power got solid in Italy, they became
reluctant of utilizing such name lest they help Europe to remember the
difference between the past wonders of the Holy See and the shortcoming
of its current tenant.
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