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A Short History of Nearly Everything By Bill Bryson

Book Name: A Short History of Nearly Everything

Writer: Bill Bryson 

Regardless of HOW diligently you attempt you will always be unable to get a

handle on exactly how small, how spatially unassuming, is a proton. It is

simply excessively little. A proton is a minuscule aspect of a molecule,

which is itself obviously a meager thing. Protons are little to such an extent

that a little dib of ink like the speck on this I can hold something in the

locale of 500,000,000,000 of them, maybe more over the number of seconds

contained down the middle a million years. So protons are really

minuscule, without a doubt. Presently suppose you can (and obviously you

can’t) contracting one of those protons down to a billionth of its ordinary

size into a space so little that it would make a proton look gigantic.

Presently pack into that small, minuscule space about an ounce of issue.

Amazing. You are prepared to begin a universe.

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