Book Name: Bombay to Bloomsbury Biography
I have been exploring and composing this book on the Stracheys for almost
a decade. To a limited extent, the time span the task has taken rejects the
changes it has gone through since I started. At first, I was concerned about
essentially to explore the lives and exercises of the Strachey ladies. Jane
Maria Strachey and her girls and little girls in-law oVer one of only a
handful scarcely any instances of a family in which there were two ages of
women’s activist activists across the nineteenth and mid 20th hundreds of
years. The more youthful Strachey women, moreover, offered an
assortment of different perspectives about the emancipation of ladies as
some were keen on vocations, and in combining a career with marriage and
parenthood, while others saw liberation instead of political terms.
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