Book Name: Buck Owens Biography
The Young lady, you’re gazing into the essences of Hell,” vocalist musician
Gene Price said. “Do you know what sort of book you will compose? All
things considered, I’ll let you know what kind of book you’ll compose. You’ll
compose a book about an awful man who made very great music.” Thus
started this Ballad of Buck. Envision Buck Owens’ and Don Rich’s twanging
Telecasters and TomBrumley’s crying steel guitar offering melodic
expressions while Doyle Holly’sthumping bass and Willie Cantu’s thumping
drums accentuate each expression. Chorus of voices, both of all shapes and
sizes, combine to sing the high, low, and in-between notes. Beyond a
shadow of a doubt, this is no excessively organized Nashville tune with
meeting players, strings, and vocalists with immaculate pitch.
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