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Deconstruction and the possibility of justice By Drucilla Cornell

Book Name: Deconstruction and the possibility of justice

Writer: Drucilla Cornell

This is a commitment, I should deliver myself to you in English. The title of this colloquium and the issue that it requires me, as you state transitively in your language, to address, have made them muse for quite a long time. In spite of the fact that I’ve been endowed with the considerable respect of the “keynote address,” I had nothing to do with the development of this title or with the understood definition of the issue. “Decon­ struction and the Possibility of Justice”: the combination “and” unites words, ideas, maybe things that don’t have a place with a similar class. A cantankerous speaker may state: I don’t see the association, no talk could twist itself to such an activity. 

4 I The “Otherworldly Foundation of Authority)'”

Such a speaker wouldn’t just be in a terrible temper, he’d be in dishonesty. What’s more, even low. For one could without much of a stretch propose a translation that would do the title equity. Or, in other words for this situation a satisfactory and clear thus rather dubious translation of the title’� inten­tions or vouloir-critical. Do the purported deconstructionists have anything to state about equity, anything to do with it. Why, essentially, do they talk about it so little? Does it intrigue them, at long last. Indeed, certain individuals would answer, no, answers the other party. In this first imaginary ex­ change one would already be able to discover ambiguous slippages between law (droit) and equity.



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