Book Name: Franco Biography
Writer: Stan ley G. Payne
Indeed, even in the second decade of the twenty-first century, about forty
years after his demise, Franco and his long dic tat or boat have not
completely been con marked to his conservative yet continue to ex refer to
consider capable passion, at any rate among a minor any of his fellow coun
attempt men. There are numerous air conditioner checks of Franco,
however, the most extensive biog a phies are unequivocally polar sized
between extreme pos I live and neg a tive or qualities. The main ex pres son
of the latter is the thousand-page work by Paul Pres ton (1993), while the
two prin ci buddy hagiographies are the similarly long medicines by
Ricardo de la Cierva (2000) and Luis Suárez Fernández (2005). The brief for
characteristic by Juan Pablo Fusi (1985) is more balanced, however, it adds
up to just an introduction duc conservative article. Other biographical
works are either profoundly lopsided in their treatment or restricted in
their source material.
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