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Heart-Shaped Box A Novel By JOE HILL

Book Name: Heart-Shaped Box A Novel 

Writer: JOE HILL

He had outlined representations of the Seven Dwarfs on the mass of his

studio, in between his platinum records. John Wayne Gacy had drawn them

while he was in prison and sent them to him. Gacy enjoyed brilliant age

Disney nearly as much as he loved attacking small children; nearly as much

as he preferred Jude’salbums. Jude had the skull of a laborer who had been

trepanned in the sixteenth-century, to allow the evil presences to out. He

kept an assortment of pens stuck into the hole in the focal point of the

cranium. He had a 300-year-old admission, endorsed by a witch. “I did

spake with a dark dogge who said hee wouldst poison dairy animals, drive

horses mad and nauseate kids for me in the event that I wouldst let him

have my soul, and I said affirmative, and after gave him sucke at my

bosom.” She was scorched to death.

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