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How to Write a Novel in 30 days or less By Nicholas Black

Book Name: How to Write a Novel in 30 days or less

Writer: Nicholas Black

I had this somewhat eerie dream about this truly dim city. there were no

vehicles in the city. The main lights were that sodium fume and streetlamps,

and the greater part of those was taken out. and The city was run down, the sun

never came up, and individuals generally and stowed away in the darkness.

Occasionally you could see eyes gazing back at you from inside the

buildings, but seldom and would anybody visually connect. I didn’t know

whether they were frightened to talk to me, or in stages picked not to.

How to Write a Novel in 30 days or less


were no entryways and no windows. Everything was run down, and the

rain was continually falling. At the point when it wasn’t coming down, the

breeze was slicing through buildings so effectively that it made whistles

and cries—it seemed like a ghoul, or some banshee shouting into the

darkness. I recollect strolling around in this dim, wet spot and pondering

internally I’ve never felt all the more alone.

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