You are currently viewing INDIA AFTER GANDHI The History By RAMACHANDRA GUHA


Book Name: INDIA AFTER GANDHI The History


Since they are so many, thus different, the individuals of India are likewise

divided. It seems to have consistently been so. In the spring of 1827, the

writer Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib set out on an excursion from Delhi to

Calcutta. Six months later he arrived at the sacred Hindu city of Banaras.

Here he composed a sonnet called Chirag-I-Dair’ (Temple Lamps), which

contains these immortal lines: Said I one night to an unblemished seer(Who

knew the mysteries of spinning Time),’ Sir, you will perceive, That goodness

and faith, Fidelity and love have all left from this sorry land. Father and

child are at one another’s throat; Brother battles sibling. Unity and the

Federation are undermined. Despite these unfavorable signsWhy has not

Doomsday come? Why doesn’t the Last Trumpet sound? Who holds the

reins of the Final Catastrophe?’1Ghalib’s sonnet was made against the

setting out of the decay of the Mughal Empire.

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