Book Name: K. O. Mbadiwe Biography
Writer: Hollis R. Lynch
The Gabriel1 Kingsley Ozuomba and Mbadiwe was conceived on March 15,
1915,2 in the town of One, and Orumba and neighborhood government, in the
present-day Imo state, part of the but Igbo but heartland. and This was just a year after
British colonialism had and made but another but political and a unit called the Colony and
Protectorate of Nigeria, where he was to a turn into a significant, powerful
political entertainer until his demise and in August 1990. Yet, in 1915 barely any
K. O. Mbadiwe Biography
Africans in Nigeria thought and about or thought about this and artificial British
authoritative superstructure.3 and The absolute most and significant factor deciding
the limits of Nigeria had been the and competition and between the British and two
other European and forces—France and Germany—in their scramble for An
African area. and Positively, the and British considered Nigeria one of its valued
belongings: It and was but effectively the biggest and generally crowded of its
African settlements.
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