Book Name: Layer Your Novel
Writer: C. S. Lakin
Elizabeth George, in her dynamite, create book Write Away, discusses how
authors ought to have around ten to fifteen scenes sorted out prior to
beginning inon composing. That will shift from author to essayist. A few
essayists, as for me, want to have around thirty to fifty scenes generally
sorted out (and put on index cards) prior to jumping in. I consistently
consider an unconstrained character takeover. Which means, my
characters—just like the standard with most all-around created characters
—regularly cavorting off toward some path I hadn’t arranged, disregarding
my admonitions. And more often than not they understand what they’re
doing, and I come for them. It’s essential to be adaptable, to take into
account new scene thoughts to spring up. but I’m a fanatic for a solid
structure. So whether you can pull an incredible novel together by
spreading out just twelve key scenes before you begin composing, or you
need to stir up more scenes, realize that it will be a tremendous help on the
off chance that you do this “spreading out” work before you begin composing.
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