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Medieval History Satish Chandra By SATISH CHANDRA

Book Name: Medieval History Satish Chandra


Throughout Indian history, occasions, and improvements in Central Asia

had a profound and standing effect on India. As we have seen, during the

tenth and the twelfth hundreds of years, improvements in Central Asia

prompted the approach of the Ghaznavids, and afterward of the Ghurids

into India. Thus, advancements in Central Asia during the fifteenth and

mid-sixteenth hundreds of years, prompted another Turkish attack into

India, this time looking like Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur. Facebook

Group: Indian Administrative Service ( Raz Kr)

The quick ascent and decrease of the Mongols and their common quarrels

made the atmosphere for the development of another Central Asian domain

during the fourteenth century. The organizer of this realm, Timur, had a

place with the Barlas family of Turks who had been proprietors of land in

and had openly intermarried with the Mongols. Indeed, even Timur

asserted drop from Chingiz by prudence of his wedding a little girl of the


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