You are currently viewing Novel Food Fermentation Technologies By K. Shikha Ojha

Novel Food Fermentation Technologies By K. Shikha Ojha

Book Name: Novel Food Fermentation Technologies

Writer: K. Shikha Ojha

Matured food items are presently capable by each social society on the

planet as indicated by the accessibility of the food substrate and their food

consumption designs. and Much of the time, such but items assume a significant

function in ethnic and personality and culinary and satisfaction (Hui et al., 2004 ).

For example, Europe and delivers the biggest and amount of aged dairy items while

Africa is the biggest supportive of ducer of matured starch yields and

vegetables based food items. Additionally, the matured fish items are

normally in the south and south-east Asia while North America is probably

the greatest maker of aged drinks and meat items (Khem, 2009 ).

Throughout the long term, maturation methods and methodology have

advanced, refined, and broadened which encouraged some aged items, for

example, bread, cheddar, and yogurt to be created everywhere in the


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