
Interactive Multimedia Learning


Book Name: Interactive Multimedia Learning

Writer: Johannes Konert

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As a matter of first importance, an abundance of thanks go to Professor Ralf Steinmetz for his management and for

allowing me the chance to take a shot at many energizing themes at Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM). Furthermore, I express gratitude toward Professor Regina Bruder without a doubt

for her help as second assessor of this proposition. My coach and gathering head

Dr. Stefan Göbel merits a sort thank you for the numerous productive conversations

we had throughout the years. On account of Professor Andy Schürr for his recommendation concerning

computational unpredictability hypothesis. Moreover, I owe uncommon gratitude to Dr. Christoph

Rensing for giving me bits of knowledge from the field of innovation upgraded

learning. Furthermore, agreeable gratitude to Oliver Heckmann, former student of the examination

division, for his advantageous coaching of my work.

For the sprightly and steady climate, my associates of the Serious

Gaming research bunch at KOM merit a major thank you: Florian Mehm, Viktor

Wendel, Sandro Hardy, Christian Reuter, Michael Gutjahr, and Tim Dutz.

I might likewise want to thank my associates at KOM, at the doctoral level college

E-Learning, and somewhere else on this planet for their help, remedial insights, and

profound conversations about exploration issues, particularly: Henrik Bellhäuser, Kristina

Richter, and Simon Olberding.

The entire KOM-group additionally merits a great deal of much obliged, particularly Marion and

Klaus-Peter Ehlhardt, Jan Hansen, Monika Jayme, Frank Jöst, Sabine Kräh, Silvia

Rödelsperger, Karola Schork-Jakobi, Gisela Scholz-Schmidt, and Christian Theiß.

It was a delight to direct the theories of numerous incredible understudies, and particularly

I might want to specify Dimitrij Burlak, Martin Tjokrodiredjo, Rhaban Hark, and

Nico Gerwien for the incredible helpful work.


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