
Qalmi Mohabbat Novel


Book Name: Qalmi Mohabbat Novel
Writer: Tahir Javed Mughal

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Tahir Javed Mughal is the writer of the book Qalmi Mohabbat Novel Pdf. It is a brilliant social, sentimental, and heartbreaking story that portrays the romantic tale of an Indian young lady and a Pakistani kid. Their relationship began from a letter that conveyed on an inappropriate location. The kid wanted to meet the young lady and went to India.

After his appearance, the Indian organizations caught the kid and put him into a prison. This adoration made numerous issues and obstacles for the couple. It is an amazing book for each and every individual who cherishes life. In the book, the essayist gave the exercise of fortitude, expectation, battle, and forfeits. He called attention to the negative job of Indians in the harmony procedure.


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