
Secret of the Ages


Book Name: The Secret of the Ages

Writer: Robert Collier

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the disappointments in this world. On the off chance that you would brilliantly go over to this awesome force all your business and individual issues similarly that you go over to it the instrument of your body, no objective would be unreasonably extraordinary for you to take a stab at. Dr. Geo. C. Pitzer summarizes the intensity of the inner mind very well in the accompanying:

“The psyche mind is a particular substance. It involves the entire human body, and, when not restricted at all, it has total authority over all the capacities, conditions, and vibes of the body. While the goal (cognizant) mind has authority over the entirety of our willful capacities and movements, the psyche mind controls the entirety of the quiet, in-intentional, and vegetative capacities. Nourishment, squander, all emissions and discharges, the activity of the heart in the flow of the blood, the lungs in-breath or breathing, and all cell life, cell changes, and advancement are emphatically under the unlimited oversight of the psyche mind. This was the main psyche creature had before the advancement of the mind; and it proved unable, nor can it yet, reason inductively, yet its capacity of deductive thinking is great. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg, it can see without the utilization of physical eyes. It sees by instinct. It has the ability to speak with others without the guide of customary physical methods. It can peruse the musings of others


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