
Star Surgeon


Book Name: Star Surgeon
Writer: Edward Nourse



Conceived on a planet of an inaccessible star, Dal Timgar is the main outsider to endeavor to turn into a certified doctor of Hospital Earth.

Book Excerpt

however, barely enough to separate him and make him effectively recognizable as an outsider. He had one too hardly any digits on his hands; his body was little and spindly, gauging an exposed ninety pounds, and the covering of fine dark hide that secured everything except his face and palms annoyingly developed longer and thicker when he went to the nearly cool atmosphere of Hospital Earth to live. The bone structure of his face gave his cheeks and nose a straightened appearance, and his pale dim eyes appeared to be anomalous enormous and insightful. Furthermore, despite the fact that it had for quite some time been realized that Earthmen and Garvians were equivalent in scope of knowledge, his colleagues actually accepted just from his appearance that he was either uncommonly smart or curiously dumb.


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