


Book Name: Supermind
Writer: Garrett Laurence M. Janifer



F.B.I. space operator Ken Malone in a world that didn’t exist.

Book Excerpt

ruler for at the finish of the floor. It was the Computer Section, a huge room loaded up with murmuring, rattling and humming machines of an antiquated vintage, mumbling to themselves as they worked, and more up to date machines which were littler and more quiet. Lights were lighting and chimes were ringing delicately, transfers were handing-off and the entire room was a tremendous labyrinth of figuring and control machines. What space wasn’t filled by the machines themselves was filled by workbenches, all covered with a variety of apparatuses, tubes, save transfers, semiconductors, wires, bars, jolts, resistors and the wide range of various stuff utilized in building the machines and fixing them. Past the essential room were other, littler rooms, each doled out to a specific sort of PC work.


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