The Lani People
Book Name: The Lani People
Writer: J. F. Bone
The alarming science ficton novel of another reproducing framework which created a peculiar race of delightful females- – all expertly prepared to cause men to feel like divine beings.
Book Excerpt
sibly it was because of the way that his dad was the officer of a Shortliner and the greater part of his early stages had been spent in space. To Kennon, acquainted with the ageless ghastliness of hyper space, all planets were acceptable, wide open spots where a man could inhale unfiltered air and search for a significant distance across separations solid by dually mass heads and security shields. On a planet there were extensive size and opportunity and after the claustrophobic imprisonment of a hyper transport any world was heaven. Kennon moaned, completed his letters, and set them via the post office chute. Maybe, this time, there would be a good answer.
Part II
Kennon was frightened by the speed with which his letters were replied. Acclimated with the more slow movement of Beta he had expected seven days would slip by before the main answer, however inside 24 hours nine of his twelve requests were returned. Five communicated the normal “Thank you yet I feel that your asking compensation is somewhat high taking into account you
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