
The Murder of History


Book Name: The Murder of History

Writer: K. K. Aziz



In this volume, Aziz embarks to address the unfairness that has been submitted in Pakistan since the time its creation, and still proceeds. The history course readings in the nation have been woefully mutilated for political closures. In this book, he has scrutinized and given the redresses to 66 course readings being educated in the Social Studies, Pakistan Studies, and History orders to understudies from grades 1 to 14. It s in fact a bold exertion that tragically went unnoticed in his time. Yet, of course, as indicated by Aziz, he composed this for descendants all things considered.

notifications of their mistakes, flaws, and lacks.

This examination has taken its ascent from a progression of extrinsic

conditions, not all pleasing or satisfying. In 1989-90 I composed

a book on lhe Pakistani antiquarian which contained one section of

82 pages. the longest of all, on the course books composed by the

antiquarians of the nation and in use in the schools and universities.

(lllc book has since been distributed by Vanguard under the tit1e of

The Pakistani Historian and I encourage the peruser to glance through it

to comprehend why such books have been composed by the nation’s



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