Book Name: The Big Book of Teen Reading Lists
Writer: Nancy J. Keane
Haddix, Marga ret Pe her child. Just Ella. Si mon and Schuster Books for Young Readers, c1999. 185pp.In this con tin u a tion of the Cinderella story,
if high schooler-year-old Ella finds that air conditioner kept ing Prince Charm – ing’s genius postal en catches her in a suf fo feline ing tangle of
buddy expert standards and illustrious et I quette, so she plots toes cape. Kindl, Patrice. Goose Chase. Hough on Mifflin, c2001. 214pp.Rather than
wed a pitiless ruler or an appearance to the beingly imbecilic sovereign, an en recited goose young lady en duresim prison ment, top tube by several
ogresses, and other dangers, be front mastering exactly who she is. Le plant, Gail Car child. Cinderellas and the Glass Hill. HarperCollins, c2000. 104pp.In
this humorous retelling ing of a Perrault story, a forlorn youthful
homestead fellow utilizes his un normal in ven tive ability to pass an about impossible test and win the hand of the neighboring princess. Le plant,
Gail Car child. Ella En recited.
HarperCollins, c1997. 232pp.In this novel dependent on the tale of Cinderella, Ella struggles against the kid hood
revile that forces her to comply with any order given to her. Le plant, Gail Car child. Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep. HarperCollins, c1999.
107pp.In this retelling ing of the fantasy “Resting Beauty,” Princess Sonora, who is multiple times more brilliant than anyone else, pledges to decide for
her self the best an ideal opportunity to be pricked by the turn dial. Maguire, Greg ory. Jump ing Beauty: And Other An I mal Fairy Tales.
HarperCollins, c2004. 197pp.Retells eight be adored fantasies, giving them an I mal master label o nests; includes such stories as “Cin – der-El e phant,”
“Hamster and Gerbil,” and “Jumping Beauty.”McKinley, Robin. Rose Daughter. Pro Books, 1998, c1997. 292pp.A novelized retelling ing of
“Magnificence and the Beast” in which Beauty develops to adore the Beast at whose castle she is compelled to remain and is compelled to follow her
heart to settle on the most ideal decision for their futures.Mc Kin ley, Robin. Turn dle’s End. Putnam, c2000. 422pp.The infant princess Briar Rose is
reviled on her name day by Napoli, Donna Jo. Zel.
Put blade Books, 1998, c1996. 227pp.Adapted from “Rapunzel,” the story is told in al her nat ing
chapters from the perspective of Zel, her mother, and the sovereign, as Zel experiences passionate feelings for a youthful ruler, and her mom attempts
everything she can to prevent Zel from leaving her. Schmidt, Gary D. Straw into Gold. Clar particle Books, c2001. 172pp.Pur sued by insatiable villains,
two young men on a mission to spare in no penny lives meet the boycott ished queen whose child was stolen by Rum pel braces kinfolk eleven years
earlier, and she genius vides substantially more than the sewer they seek. Vande Velde, Vivian. The Rum pel braces kinfolk Problem. Bought on
Mifflin, c2000. 116pp.A collection of vari a tions on the fa mil iar story of a gloat full mill operator and the daughter he guarantees can spin straw into
gold. Vande Velde, Vivian. Stories from the Brothers Grimm and the Sisters Weird. Har court Brace, c1995.128pp.Pres ents their teenager turned
versions of such fa mil iar fantasies as “Red Riding Hood,” “Jack and the bean tail,” “Hansel and Gretel,” and “The Three Billy Goats Gruff.”Books for
Older TeensCard, Orson Scott. En serenades me. Krull, Kathleen. Lives of Extractor di nary Women: Rulers, Rebels (and What the Neighbors
Thought).Har court, c2000. 95pp. (NF)Pro documents twenty his pinnacle I cally sig if I cant ladies, high lighting their incredible air conditioning com
plish ments and one of a kind characteristics; likewise includes shading vehicle, I ca tures.
Krull, Kathleen. Lives of the Artists: Masterpieces, Messes
(and What the Neighbors Thought). Har – court Brace, c1995. 96pp. (NF)A collection of short bio chart I cal portrayals of famous workmanship ists em
pha sizing they are extraordinary per child al I times and the im pres sions they made on the people who knew them. Krull, Kathleen. Lives of the
Athletes: Thrills, Spills (and What the Neighbors Thought).Har court race, c1997. 96pp. (NF)Pres ents bio diagram I cal representations of twenty
famous athletes, em pha sizing their one of a kind for each child al I times and the im pres sions they made on the people who knew them.
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