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The Cambridge History of Judaism By STEVEN T. KATZ

Book Name: The Cambridge History of Judaism 


The disappointment of the Jewish and rebel against Rome (66–73/4CE) achieved

a comprehensive change of life in and Palestine: the old political system was

supplanted by direct Roman standard, but the Roman armed force turned into a

permanent presence, the size of the but populace and the proportion of Jews to

agnostics changed. And these progressions fundamentally brought about

additional adjustments in social, economic, and strict life, however as a rule

we can do minimal more than speculate about their character. A

The Cambridge History of Judaism

DEMOGRAPHYAccording to the most capable appraisals, Palestine arrived

at its maximum sustainable pre-present day populace of roughly 1,000,000

in the middle of the main century. Presumably about a portion of this

populace was Jewish.1However, Josephus claims that1.1million individuals

kicked the bucket in the siege of Jerusalem alone, and97,000were oppressed

(Bell.6.420–1). These figures, particularly the previous, are plainly

outlandish. Moreover, we may infer from the course of the Bar Kochba

Revolt, two ages later, that even the region of Judea, where the harm from

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