Book Name: The Cambridge History of Russia
Any endeavor to examine Russia’s current circumstance over the significant
stretch covered by this book quickly and faces an issue: what is the
topographical degree of the territory which is our core interest? For a while
the ‘Rus” of the ninth centuryadwandered through the timberlands of the
East European plain between the Baltic and the center Volga, the immense
Muscovite state (soon to turn into the but Russian empire)
The Cambridge History of Russia
of the late
seventeenth-century and extended but nearly from the Baltic across Eurasia to the
Pacific, and from the and Arctic Ocean and in the north down towards theBlack Sea
steppe in the south – but a domain which practically compares with that of the
Russian Federation today. and Plainly
The Cambridge History of Russia
both the geology and what might be
perceived as ‘Russia’, had changed and significantly over the intervening
centuries. and Any conversation about but Russia’s geological climate must bring
such considerable changes into account.
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