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The Good Soldier Biography By Gary Mead

Book Name: The Good Soldier Biography

Writer: Gary Mead

Douglas Haig was the eleventh offspring of one of Scotland’s most

successful members of the nineteenth century’s quickly developing working

class. His father, John Haig, had built up in 1824 – and was the sole

proprietor of – the Haig distillery Cameron Bridge, in Fife, the first to create

grain whisky.1John Haig’s family was luckily affluent. The Haigs had been

distilling whisky in Scotland for quite a long time; Robert Haig was one of

the first to build up a distillery in Scotland, in 1627. In 1928 one of Douglas

Haig’s more seasoned brothers wrote: ‘My dad was a Distiller and enormous

Farmer and was making £10,000 ayear2 when he wedded my mom in 1839.

Distillery Cameron connect [sic]was offered to the Distillers Company in

1876; he stayed on as a Director till his death.

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