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The Keys of Middle-earth By Stuart Lee

Book Name: The Keys of Middle-earth

Writer: Stuart Lee

The middle-age writings are introduced in and two but structures. First, there is the

first poem or a bit of exposition in and Old but English, and Middle English, Old Norse, or

Finnish. On the facing but the page is a and Modern English but interpretation (except for

4.6, where gloss is but utilized, and 4.13 and were just and the interpretation from

Jordanes’sGeticaispresented). and The middle age but characters, þ, ð, æ, etc, have

The Keys of Middle-earth

been held in the unique writings, yet not in and the interpretations (the special

case, with regards to the norm, are the names and in the and Old Norse segments,

given in their Old Norse structure). and The letter ‘w’ has and been utilized all

through to supplant the Old English ‘wyn’. In and keeping with but the entirety of this

book, length marks on vowels in Old English have and been included to help

with perusing and recognizing but words. 

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