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The life of Robert Frost Biography By Claude Rawson

Book Name: The life of Robert Frost Biography

Writer: Claude Rawson

Robert Frost, that quintessential New England artist, was not generally a

Englander. His dad had a withstanding loathe for the locale and had no aim

of bringing up his youngsters there. Growing up around 30 miles north of

Boston in the mechanical city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, William (or Will,

as he was nicknamed) whined that the locale was still in the hold of the

Puritans who had established it. His most sensational resistance happened

around 1862 when he fled from home to battle for Robert E. Lee’s Army of

Northern Virginia. Having as of late vanquished General McClellan in the

Peninsular Campaign and General Pope at the Second Battle of Bull Run,

General Lee was one of the most marvelous foes of New England to whom

Will could pronounce faithfulness. While pro‐Lincoln Bostonians, for

example, Senator Charles Sumner exploded against the foundation of

subjection and Colonel Robert Shaw drove an African American regiment

into the fight against Confederates in South Carolina, Will favored the

“Copperheads,” who were viewed as noxious snakes by Boston abolitionists

and other anti‐Confederate New Englanders.

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