Book Name: The Omnivore’s Dilemma A Natural History
Writer: Michael Pollan
The Cooled, scentless, lit up by humming fluorescent tubes, the American
store doesn’t present itself as having a particular task with Nature. But what
is this spot if not a scene (man-made, it’s actual) overflowing with plants
and animals? I’m not simply discussing the produce segment or the meat
counter, either—the general store’s vegetation. Environmentally, these are
this present scene’s most clear zones, the spots where it doesn’t take abroad
manual to recognize the occupant species. Over yonder’s your eggplant,
onion, potato, and leek; here your apple, banana, and orange. Spritzed with
morning dew like clockwork, Produce is the main corner of the
supermarket where we’re able to think “Ah, truly, the abundance of
Nature!”Which presumably clarifies why such a nursery of leafy foods
blossoms, as well) is the thing that normally welcomes the customer coming
through the programmed doors.
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