Book Name: The Rhythm of Strategy Biography
Writer: Marleen Dieleman
This book depends on a Ph.D. exposition that was guarded at
Leiden University in The Netherlands in 2007. Contrasted with the
original.D. thesis, I have endeavored to modify a few areas in order to
make the book more open for non-scholarly perusers too as for scholastic
pros from various disciplines.I am incredibly obligated to my tutors, Prof.
dr. Jacob de Smit and prof. dr. Wladimir Sachs, who helped me in seeking
The Rhythm of Strategy Biography
after and completing this study. Without Drs. Utomo Josodirdjo I would not
have been able to access the Salim Group, and I might want to respectfully
thank him for his assistance and mindful guidance. Mr. Anthony Salim and
several other the past section, the chronicled improvement of the Salim
Group from its beginning by a Chinese worker in Central Java until it is
between public development during the 1990s was depicted.
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