You are currently viewing The Soul of a Leader by Waller R. Newell

The Soul of a Leader by Waller R. Newell

Book Name: The Soul of a Leader

Writer: Waller R. Newell

Exhibiting the rule that profoundness at work is a method of being and doing, this guide gives

new viewpoints on the characteristics of administration.

Three fundamental segments expound on the subjects of picking the way,

remaining on target, and driving forward to the end.

Drawing from interviews with remarkable pioneers—including Tom and Kate Chappell,

the authors of Tom’s of Maine; Bob Glassman,

co-director of Wainwright Bank and Trust; Desmond Tutu; and The Edge of musical

gang U2—and upheld with guided inquiries in each part, this book is a

basic expansion to the shelf of any individual who needs to lead with soul.

In a climate where pioneers are remunerated for their drive, definitiveness, profitability,

and long work hours,

the otherworldly prosperity of a pioneer may get quick work,

and damage can come to both the pioneer and the association this individual serves.

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