Book Name: Universe of Stone Biography
At that point, they took the blessed tunic From the mother of God, who
withdrew… The Lady who wore it When she bore the Son of God Thought it
would be put At Chartres, in her fundamental church, And that it would be
protected In the spot of which she is known as the Lady. Jean le Marchand,
1262, dedi-, Camisa said to, ½,
Universe of Stone Biography
The Sacred Tunic Like incalculable different
places of worship in France, the basilica of Notre-Dame de Chartres is a
sanctuary to the Marian religion of the Middle Agescated to the mother of
Christ. In 876 Charlemagne’s grandson Charles the Bald, lord of the
Carolingians provided for the religious administrator of Chartres the
church building’s most heavenly relic: the tunic or have been worn by Mary
at the hour of the introduction of Jesus (or some state the Annunciation).
This Sancta Camisa had been given to Charlemagne himself by the
Byzantine head Nicephorus and his significant other Irene when the
primary Holy Roman Emperor went through Constantinople on his way
over from Jerusalem.
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