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What the Hell Did I Just Read By David Wong

Book Name: What the Hell Did I Just Read

Writer: David Wong

It down-poured like we were a splatter of feathered creature poo God was

attempting to hose off his deck. The three of us tore through the deluge in a

beige 1996 Saturn Coupe, meat the wheel. I squinted shakily into the

rearview reflect and attempted to no end to discover the headlights of the

dark truck that was pursuing us, however, I really didn’t know whether its

drivers required headlights to see or on the off chance that they even had

eyes. I likewise didn’t know it was a truck, or on the off chance that it was

dark, or on the off chance that we were being sought after by any stretch of

the imagination. It was definitely coming down, though. My companion,

John was in the front seat and the main explanation he wasn’tdriving was

on the grounds that, notwithstanding likewise being flushed, he was injured

—both of his hands were enclosed by the T-shirt he’d detached to use as a


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